
环球新动态:Avicii传记翻译P44—50 中英对照

2023-06-20 03:39:05 来源:哔哩哔哩

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ARASH POURNOURI ATTACHED a piece of tape to the poster and hung it up at the bus stop.


Arash Pournouri把一段胶带贴在海报上,然后把它挂在公交车站。

His companion’s mother had lent them her car so that, under the cover of darkness, they could drive around town and advertise the important message: in the summer of 2007 their club Dirty Disco would invade Café Opera, one of Sweden’s most legendary nightspots, located in a beautiful premises with painted ceilings within walking distance of Stureplan.

他的伙伴的母亲借给他们她的车,这样在黑暗的掩护下,他们可以开车在城里四处宣传重要信息:在2007年夏天,他们的俱乐部Dirty Disco将入侵Café Opera,这是瑞典最传奇的夜店之一,位于Stureplan步行范围内的一个有彩绘天花板的美丽场所。

It was in these neighbourhoods that the revolution had first begun.


At the club Sturecompagniet the DJ Eric Prydz had first met Sebastian Ingrosso, which had led to the birth of Swedish House Mafia. In the basement of the classic restaurant Grodan, people pumped their hands in the air to Swedish producers such as John Dahlbäck or Adam Beyer, and the club promoters Group Locomotives booked all the coolest names for the terrace on Fredsgatan 12.

在Sturecompagniet俱乐部,DJ Eric Prydz第一次遇见了Sebastian Ingrosso,这带来了瑞典混音组合Swedish House Mafia的诞生。在经典餐厅Grodan的地下室里,人们扬起手臂,跟着瑞典制作人如John Dahlbäck或Adam Beyer的音乐舞动,而俱乐部推广者Group Locomotives则为Fredsgatan 12的露台预定了所有最酷的名字。

Arash Pournouri – who was called Ash by those who knew him – was eager to take another step into the house music scene.

Arash Pournouri,被熟知者称之为Ash,渴望在house音乐界迈出另一步。

Arash had come to Sweden from Iran at the age of five with his single mum and two younger siblings. They had made a new home for themselves in Skarpnäck, a suburb south of Stockholm. Early on he had begun to dream of a future as a musician; as a boy he had won a local talent show with a song called ‘Rosor av stål’ (‘Roses Of Steel’). His mother preached diligence and hard work and would have preferred to see her children become doctors, but Arash had always known that he would become a businessman. He had felt like an entrepreneur even before he’d known what the word meant.

Arash五岁时从伊朗和他的单亲妈妈以及两个年幼的兄弟姐妹一起来到瑞典。他们在斯德哥尔摩南部的Skarpnäck建立了一个新家。他年轻时梦想成为一名音乐家;在他还是个男孩的时候,他就凭借一首名为钢铁玫瑰(Rosor av stål)的歌曲赢得了一场当地的才艺表演比赛。他的母亲看重勤奋和努力工作,并希望看到她的孩子成为医生,但Arash一直知道他会成为一名商人。在他知道这个词的意思之前,他就感觉自己像个企业家。

Until now, however, his efforts had been in vain.


It had begun when, in his late teens, he approached Spray, one of the most successful IT firms in Stockholm, and presented his idea of a digital radio for mobile phones. Politicians had been promising faster mobile networks and Arash envisioned a streaming service where a mobile user could see in advance which songs would be played, like a radio with a greater ability to control the content. He later realised that he had been naïve and blue-eyed, he had even told the company’s lawyers that he had not patented the idea. Six months later the company had sold a similar concept for big money, but without Arash’s involvement. Humiliated, he had decided to study law; no one would ever dupe him again.


Alongside his studies Arash began to promote club nights, both in Stockholm and in Oslo. He would study three days a week and then ahead of the weekend take the bus over the border to Norway, where he played DJ at his own clubs.


Once during this intensive period, he lost his phone, which sparked his next business idea. Online SIM Card Service would make back-up copies of the contents of a mobile phone so that important numbers and notes were always secured online. Since Arash himself could not write code, he took a loan of a quarter of a million Swedish crowns and invested his own savings to let a bunch of programmers develop the software. The project dragged on and became increasingly costly. When Arash gave the product demonstration, nothing worked. It was totally unusable actually, and all the investors dropped out.


But that was all history. Now he would get the people of Stockholm to understand the power of house music. He and his friend’s agreement with Café Opera was actually quite crappy – the restaurateur took nearly all the ticket revenue – but they would get another foot in the industry. And they had booked some really cool names for the summer of 2007, including Laidback Luke from the Netherlands and the British duo Freemasons.

但那些都是历史了。现在他要让斯德哥尔摩的人们理解house音乐的力量。他和他的朋友们与Café Opera的协议其实相当糟糕——餐馆老板几乎拿走了所有的门票收入——但他们将在这个行业再立足。在2007年的夏天,他们已经预定了一些很酷的名字,包括来自荷兰的Laidback Luke和英国的二人组Freemasons。

Now even more people would be invited into their fantastic world.


The flock would grow.


The newly found friends Tim Bergling and Filip Åkesson quickly developed a habit. They briefly met at school in the morning before they ignored the rest of the classes after lunch and took the short walk to Linnégatan.

这对新朋友——Tim Bergling和Filip Åkesson很快就养成了一种习惯。他们在早上在学校简短地见面,然后在午饭后忽略了其余的课程,走路去林内街。

There Tim lay flat on his bed, with the mousepad on the crumpled sheets.


Filip Åkesson would have no choice but to place himself behind Tim and stretch over his friend’s shoulder in order to see the computer screen which remained on the desk. Pressed together on the bed, they continued to study songs by the German Tocadisco or Frenchmen such as Daft Punk and Joachim Garraud.

Filip Åkesson只能坐在Tim身后,伸长脖子,越过他的肩膀看桌子上的电脑屏幕。他们挤在床上,继续学习德国的Tocadisco或法国人Daft Punk和Joachim Garraud的歌曲。

What they most often bickered about were the lower registers. Filip wanted a bass that was rumbling and aggressive. If the song was to work for the club, the thump would have to start from the bottom.


Tim was more interested in the composition itself. It would be enough to have a bass drum to give the song its bottom, he thought, and instead sought something more colourful and hummable. Open, welcoming melodies that were effective and immediate. Like children’s songs, the kind you heard and which immediately stuck in your head.


After a couple of hours of work, all the oxygen had run out and it felt like the only thing Tim and Filip were breathing was each other’s farts. To avoid Klas or Anki noticing that they were skipping school, they would haul off for a while and grab a pizza in Östermalmstorg, then come back later in the evening, pretending to come home from school, lock themselves in Tim’s room and continue to work.


Tim had got good at deceiving his parents. He would catch a cold or have a free period, often blaming the Spanish teacher for being ill. She was so old that it could almost have been true.


Although his parents let their youngest get away with a whole lot, they hardly bought all the stories he made up. In never-ending discussions, Klas and Anki tried to convince Tim of the importance of going to school but to no avail.


Their son was so incredibly stubborn.


In the same way that Tim had refused to eat anything other than crispbread in pre-school, he refused now to listen to his parents’ admonishments about maths homework. His priorities were almost impossible to shake.


When graduation approached, the school administration sent a letter to Linnégatan. Tim had been absent so much that the tuition support was about to be revoked. Klas called the class teacher at Östra Real to find out what his son would have to do to improve his standing in this situation.

当毕业临近时,学校管理部门向林内街发送了一封信。Tim缺勤太多,学费资助即将被取消。Klas给Östra Real的班主任打了电话,想了解他的儿子在这种情况下应该怎么做来改善自己的境遇。

‘Yes, well, he can start with coming to class.’


Towards the end of 2007 Tim and Filip felt that they maybe had some songs that were good enough to be heard outside their inner circle at Östra Real.

到了2007年底,Tim和Filip觉得他们可能有一些足够好的歌曲可以在Östra Real的内部圈子之外被听到。

Tim was never really satisfied with the name Moonboy, it sounded too cheesy. Together with another friend, he had come across an article on Wikipedia about avīci, a kind of Buddhist hell reserved for the greatest sinners, such as those who had murdered their mother or an enlightened monk. Over and over again, these criminals were forced to be reborn in a place where they were tortured in an indescribably burning furnace, for an unimaginably long time.


Avici sounded much more hardcore than Moonboy.


Filip already knew what he would call himself, so under the name Avici and Philgood the boys emailed the song ‘A New Hope’ to some of the Swedish house music blogs. Now all they had to do was hope that someone liked it enough to post it.

Filip已经决定了他的名字,所以在Avici和Philgood这两个名字下,男孩们给一些瑞典电子音乐博客发送了歌曲A New Hope的邮件。现在他们所要做的就是希望有人喜欢它并发布它。

At the same time, Tim discovered another place online where the discussions were even more savvy than on the Swedish website Studio. The Dutch producer Laidback Luke had a discussion forum on his site. Everybody that hung out there really knew what they were talking about. Tim had posted some of his songs – ‘Mr Equalizer’ and ‘Who’s The Wookie Now?!’ among others – and immediately received knowledgeable responses.

同时,Tim 发现了另一个在线讨论的地方,那里的讨论比瑞典的Studio网站还要精彩。荷兰制作人Laidback Luke在他的网站上设有一个讨论论坛。那里的每个人都非常懂行。Tim发布了一些他的歌曲——其中包括Mr Equalizer和Whos The Wookie Now?!,立刻得到了专业的回应。

‘Just the crash on the first 4 kicks kinda gives a bad impression,’ one person pointed out. ‘Instead you could try some kind of white noise, this works great for me ;).’

“最初四个踢鼓的碰撞给人不好的印象,”有人指出,“相反,你可以尝试一些白噪声,这对我来说效果非常好 ;)。”

‘Only thing I’m missing is a bit of progression when the second comes,’ wrote another. ‘Try changing the bass/synth frequency or something after the second break. Anyways, a great tune. You could probably get a digital release with this one.’

“只有一个小问题,当第二个take off时我觉得缺少一些进展,” 另一个人写道,“尝试在第二次休息后改变低音/合成器频率之类的东西。总的来说,这是一首很棒的歌曲。你可能可以用这首歌发行数字版本。”

Clearly, in the Netherlands it was possible to make a career out of producing house music. Every summer, the main football stadium in Amsterdam was filled with 30,000 partygoers, all dressed in white. At the festival, which was called , was king. And he was so across the whole country, where he was called the Godfather. His atmospheric trance, built on grandiose synth patterns whopped by hot-tempered drums, had made him a superstar throughout Europe. Four years earlier, Tiësto had played in front of millions of TV viewers at the opening ceremony of the Athens Olympics; in his homeland there was even a special tulip named after him and the queen had honoured him with a royal medal.


Together with artists such as Afrojack and Chuckie, Laidback Luke belonged to the Dutch generation that came right after the Godfather – Luke was a superstar in the making.

与 Afrojack和Chuckie等艺术家一起,Laidback Luke属于荷兰一代Godfather之后的艺术家,他是一个即将成为超级巨星的人。

One day when Tim opened the forum, he had received a private message that stared at him on the screen. Laidback Luke himself had sent his remarks to Tim.

有一天,当Tim打开论坛时,他收到了一条私信,他盯着这条私信。Laidback Luke本人向Tim发送了他的评论。

Tim didn’t dare open the message.


‘Filip, can you read this for me?’


The concern turned out to be unfounded. The producer gave Tim straightforward but friendly criticism: he thought that the Swede should drop the attempts to make hard electro and instead focus on what he obviously had a knack for – melodies.


That became the catalyst for an intense dialogue, where the star listened carefully to each song Tim sent and gave personal advice on how the bass drum could be fuller or a synth loop crisper. Laidback Luke mentioned that he had his own record label, Mixmash Records, and if Tim continued to evolve at this pace, it was not impossible that he would one day release a song by Avici.

这成为了一个引发激烈对话的催化剂,明星仔细聆听了Tim发送的每一首歌曲,并给出了个人建议,如何使低音鼓更加浑厚或合成器回路更加清晰。Laidback Luke提到他有自己的唱片公司Mixmash Records,如果Tim能够以这样的速度不断进步,将来有可能会发布Avicii的歌曲。

Now attention was coming from England as well. The DJ and radio host Pete Tong had played the hottest house music on his BBC radio show since the early 90s and in April 2008 he announced a competition for young producers.

现在,英国也开始关注他了。DJ和电台主持人Pete Tong自上世纪90年代初以来就在自己的BBC电台节目中播放最火爆的house音乐,并在2008年4月宣布了一项针对年轻制作人的比赛。

Tim sent his song ‘Manman’, which to his great surprise was voted the winner by the listeners.


A few weeks later Tim and Filip went to Café Mocco in , a place full of blogging girls and mums with baby strollers, to meet the club promotor Arash .

几周后,Tim和Filip去了位于Östermalm的摩卡咖啡馆,这里有很多博客女孩和推着婴儿车的妈妈。他们去见俱乐部推销员Arash Pournouri。

The boys could see he was sophisticated and worldly just by the way he carried himself. Arash had a perfectly groomed beard and sparkling clean sneakers. He was grown up, twenty-six years old.


Arash had written a message on Facebook, saying that he’d heard a few of Tim’s songs on the blogs and he would love to meet to see if they could work together somehow. Tim thought it was intimidating to go alone to meet a stranger out on the town, so Åkesson had come along as support.


Once they were seated Arash clarified that he heard something in Tim’s songs. So many other house producers survived on unbridled intensity – Tim had another quality. A touch that at this point was still raw and directionless, but once refined could become something.


‘House music is on its way up in Sweden,’ Arash said. ‘You can capitalise on that. I have the right contacts to push you.’


Arash promised that in one year he would make Tim bigger than nearly everyone in Sweden. After his unsuccessful business ventures he was filled with a lust for revenge. He would never again be played, never again rely on someone else. With his knowledge and experience he would be able to take Avici, and Philgood for that matter, to the top in no time.


‘You’ll have to be ready for this to be a full-time job,’ Arash said to the teenagers. ‘If you had a normal job you would put in eight, ten hours a day. But if you’re going to succeed in this business, it’ll have to be sixteen hours. At least.’


Tim and Filip just nodded, spellbound by what might be about to happen.









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